Discover SPECTRUM’s unique nature as the closest thing you can get to a liquid hop pellet. SPECTRUM naturally delivers the full range of hops flavor components with no additional carriers, while saving you time and money.
The most natural full hop flavour with so many advantages
As a highly flowable liquid hop product SPECTRUM is the next evolution of the hop pellet. It’s super versatile allowing you increase your brewing efficiency in many ways to make your life easier as a brewer.
SPECTRUM is a liquid hop flavor product that is produced using a unique combination of hop extract technologies, allowing for greater retention of hop flavor, aroma and many other valuable components found in hops (e.g. terpenes, thiols, bitter acids, polyphenols,…). SPECTRUM then goes a step further in that it is able to fully disperse these molecules and cause them to remain dispersed within beer to ensure a fuller transfer of flavor. The patented technology leads to greater extraction efficiency, imparting more key hop aroma compounds than pellets and other hop products. The result is a natural liquid product that is made from 100% hops and is fully dispersible, delivering the full SPECTRUM of hop flavor attributes that are as close as possible to a liquid hop pellet.

Full Natural Hop Aroma and Flavor
A unique combination extraction process that delivers highly efficient transfer of a highly stable and consistent natural full hop flavor.

Increased Profits
SPECTRUM can easily achieve yield increases in excess of 10% easily, with even bigger gains possible for fine-tuned production.

Reduced Costs
With production time reduction of 25% possible SPECTRUM saves you time and money.
Full natural liquid hop flavor that you will find nowhere else
While other liquid hop products do their best to recreate the natural hop flavor you get from a hop pellet, they have to rely on additional processing and the use of carriers to even get close. Only SPECTRUM naturally contains all the flavor and aroma compounds you need, while offering all of the benefits of a liquid hop.

Efficient work
SPECTRUM Varieties
We currently produce SPECTRUM in Citra® (HBC 394 c.v.), Mosaic® (HBC 369 c.v.), Galaxy®, Eclipse®, Azzaca®, Cascade and Vic Secret®.
How SPECTRUM is making a difference
Download the Whitepaper here
Ready for natural full hop flavor with SPECTRUM?
Find out more about the amazing benefits of SPECTRUM and how you can introduce it successfully into your business by downloading our whitepaper now.