Full Flavor SPECTRUM
Revolutionize your dry hopping with SPECTRUM – 100% hop-derived, flowable and fully-dispersible in cold side applications for a well-rounded flavor and less beer loss.
A new approach to dry-hopping for all brewers
With SPECTRUM you can dry-hop in a way that achieves a substantial increase in yields, and a reduction in tank turnover times, while maintaining the full dry-hop flavor in your beer.
SPECTRUM is a revolutionary, new, fully dispersable liquid hop product that delivers full true to type dry-hop characteristics. The product is 100% hop material with no solvents or artificial additions. Imagine the finest hop pellets in liquid form and you will understand the impact and efficiency gained when using SPECTRUM.
Increasing Brewing Yields
Unlike any other dry-hopping product SPECTRUM is the only product that is 100% hops and completely dissolves into cold beer, leaving you with more beer to sell and less cleaning.
Delivers Stable Hop Flavor
SPECTRUM delivers the full range of true-to-type dry-hop flavor compounds including all of the glycosidically bound fractions, making them available for amazing bio-transformation reactions in your beer.
100% Hops
SPECTRUM is 100% hops in liquid form with no carriers or synthetic solvents.
Read our Whitepaper to gain in-depth information about brewing with SPECTRUM and why it's time to rethink dry-hopping.
Efficient work
SPECTRUM Varieties
We currently produce SPECTRUM in Citra® (HBC 394 c.v.), Mosaic® (HBC 369 c.v.), Galaxy®, Eclipse®, Azzaca®, Cascade and Vic Secret®.
A dry-hopping Method like no other
A Product of Years of Research
After years of research and development, we are proud to offer a unique product:
Get more information and technical details here in the videos!
A quick introduction to the revolutionary SPECTRUM liquid dry-hopping product. Watch now:
A quick guide to how to dose Spectrum when dry-hopping. Watch now:
Download the Whitepaper here
Ready to Rethink Dry-Hopping?
Dry-hopped beers and efficient, profitable brewing are no longer mutually exclusive. Read our practical guide to introducing SPECTRUM into your brewery, including real world examples from our trial partners.