We are in constant dialog with our growers to ensure that together we maintain a decisive competitive edge when it comes to hops. Whether it's regarding production systems, cultivation or operational issues, we treat our joint mission to produce the best quality hops as a partnership of equals. This is a constant source of inspiration to create something uniquely valuable.
Let's reap a rich harvest together.

Distributing Knowledge
We combine the accumulated knowledge of our team of expert farmers and agricultural engineers with your experience as a grower. In partnerships, we set the benchmark in key areas such as plant protection, harvesting technology, drying and variety selection.
> Specialist buyers provide expert knowledge at first hand and close to you.
> Personal advisors are available at all times, with the latest facts and figures to keep you successful.

Assisting By Sharing Exclusive Information
When it comes to the weather, soil development, specific varietal ripeness levels or the market, we share exclusive information and the latest analysis through a range of channels to give you tangible assistance for your decision making.
> Harvest planning: Analysis of alpha acids during the ripening period
> Harvest-Info Mails: Stay up to date on the latest news about plant growth, disease and pests
> Grower Web Portal: News for and about growers and customized data at a mouse click

Finding Solutions Together
BarthHaas is all about constructive dialogue. We find mutually beneficial solutions when problems arise. And institutions such as the BarthHaas growers’ council ensure a living tradition of partnership.
> Growers’ council: Regular opportunities to share experiences and information
> Growers’ trips: Taking the hop mission out on the road

Growing together
Our collaboration focuses on research partnerships and an openness for technological innovation. We are making effective advances in agricultural engineering when it comes to hops.
> Leading research center: The Center for Innovative and High Quality Hop Processing St. Johann (Hallertau)
> Using drones to gain an advantage: The latest stock assessment tools, evaluating cultivation and monitoring pests

Our Full Support
From practical quality tools for your daily work to automatic granting of special conditions – we know what you need as a grower, and we support you where it is most effective.
> Fair allocation: We automatically get the highest revenue for our growers.
> Plant protection calendar: Perfect documentation of your plant protection measures.